Cody, who is 17, appeared in Mo Chara as Torin O'Mathghamhna, Aibhlinn's friend.
My character:
Torin is happy-go-lucky kind of guy who can be sarcastic and sometimes a hot head, but at his core he's a good guy.
I love acting...both theater and movies. I also like doing character voice overs of movies/plays/commercials etc...I'm also a writer and singer and enjoy working with my hands...pretty much just being all around creative.
A favored part while making Mo Chara:
I loved all of it, but if I had to narrow it down I'd say...doing what I love (acting) with other people who are just as passionate as I am, was a blast! It was great to be part of such a creative collaborative process.
Choice subject:
Writing is my favorite! I also love my handyman class, guitar lessons and vocal ensemble.
Favorite thing:
My family! God bless them! I would never be who I am today without them! I am thankful!
My Other Acting Experiences:
I've made (written,
directed, acted) several of my own short amateur movies and acted in
several other homemade productions as well. It's my fourth year running
with HPA, a top-notch homeschool theater group. I've been in summer
acting and film camps with HPA and Compass Film Academy and have had a
little experience in modeling (runway and photo shoots).
I was thinking, here we are, linking our blog posts to facebook, but what if there are people following the blog that don't even know about our FB page! Here is the link to the facebook page, it has amazing pictures from the movie set, and if you haven't liked it yet, please do so!
We asked Heidi Stoll, who played Aunt Ailionora,
a few questions about her life.
How do you interpret your character?
She was self centered and pretentious. She was rude and abusive. Yep, a real genuine bad lady! ("Mom, You're The Bad Lady!" according to my 3 year old daughter, Charity)
When on the set of Mo Chara, what did you enjoy most?
I loved fainting and being caught by my real life daughter Grace. Mo Chara was my first movie acting experience. I found so many fascinating things about the whole process. I also enjoyed seeing 7 of my real life children perform and use their God given talents.
What are your other acting experiences?
I have been in School and Church plays. I was Rose in Sweeny Todd and Mammy in Lil Abner. I love performing comedy skits that make fun of everyday life. I work part time at MSU's Learning and Assessment Center as a simulated patient to help teach future Doctors, Nurses, and Veterinarians.
What about your scholastic life?
I am so glad to be done with School! I graduated from MSU in 1993. We've homeschooled our children since 1999. I love seeing them learn and grow! I believe we should always continue to learn, especially from life experiences!
Besides acting, what are you interested in?
I am married to my husband, Matt, going on 19 years and we have 8 beautiful children (ages 3-17 yrs). I have devoted my life to serving God and taking care of my family, which takes a lot of time these days. I loved being in Mo Chara! I had a great time and hope to do more acting in the future.
What else are you passionate about?
My relationship with Jesus, whom I try to walk with everyday.