Saturday, December 21, 2013

Teaser Trailer

Our first trailer has officially been released! 

This is a simple, teaser trailer to give everyone a taste of what Mo Chara will be like. The next trailer should be released soon with even more shots from the movie and, like this one, featuring original music by Elmo Harris. Go to our YouTube channel and subscribe and like!


Have a Merry Christmas and a very, very blessed New Year!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Social Networking

Finally, we have linked our two FB pages to the blog! Click on the links in the right sidebar to get to our pages and "like" them. 

They look like this ----->

As of today, we have also created a twitter account. There is a button also in the right sidebar that will take you to our twitter account so you can "follow" us. 

<------ the button looks like this

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

We're Not Dead Yet...

Stealing the quote from Monty Python, we are, in fact, "Not Dead Yet!". 

We will finish this project, or DIE trying!

We have placed this project in God's hands and by putting our faith in Him, we will get this done!

Here are some photos from the shoots:

Torin goes CIA

Defender of the cross...  Take 7

Chill'n on the Steps.


Horse face off!

Clapper Board Writer!

Did Bigga Blue have something to say?

Friday, October 11, 2013

Why is it Taking So Long???

    Lots of people have asked and wondered this question... us included!  I will give you some key factors as to why this movie is taking soooo long to premiere.

    As with everything we do, we should always try to do better.  With Mo Chara we wanted improve upon the quality of film from our first project, Ransomed.  At times when you add improvements it can take longer to finish a project.
     The key was to improve without overwhelming our Director. ;)  To do this, we asked friends to help with the editing process.  They were willing, but needed time to get the "hang" of the editing program.  We also had problems with the hard drives, as the Mo Chara project is so much larger than our last movie.  Problems solved... but time delayed! 
      General complications happen with every project, with Mo Chara, we have had to deal with everything from sickness (including the director having double pneumonia) to certain key people starting or returning to college.
     Overall we are moving froward, slowly but surely, and will have the trailer out ASAP.  As far as our progress we are about 80% of the way through.  We have reviewed the rough cut of the movie with the editors, and the Director is working through the final edit.  The score remains up in the air, but should be completed this fall.

We are trying to release this project as soon as possible, YET everyone wants this movie to come out not just quickly... BUT well done!  On that note, we will keep you all posted.

In the mean time.... pray for this project, because.... as from the beginning.... this is His!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Andrew's Actor Bio.

Andrew, age 14, acted as a clansman in Mo Chara.

Andrew enjoys going on adventure trips such as, canoeing, hiking and biking.  He is also entertained by sleeping and laughing, but not at the same time!  (although his love of Duct Tape outshines them all!)
In school, Andrew likes American History, especially the Industrial Revolution.
 His favorite day on the Mo Chara set was when the choreographers taught him how to fight on camera.   

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ahhh... Weddings!

"So... The wedding is today" ~ Torin 

Tying the "knot"

Lile with her sisters and her cousin Aibhlinn

Aibhlinn being a goof
The Lile and her bride's maids

The Priest and Lile's sisters holding the banner

Aengus the groom
Ailionora the proud mother

One of my favorite parts...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Warning: Trailer Coming Soon!!!

Yes, the first trailer is coming soon, along with a release date for the Mo Chara premiere!!!  Our post-production crew is working on posters, voice overs, color editing and so much more!  We are really excited to get this trailer out as soon as possible.  Until then, enjoy these photos from last summer's shoot!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Lucas Anthony's Actor Bio.

While filming Mo Chara, Lucas age 11, loved playing at the film's locations and seeing friends.

Lucas has preformed in Homeschool Preforming Arts' 101 Dalmatians and Epic Summer Movie's Ransomed, he has also attended several drama camps.  In his free time he enjoys making ninja swords with real metal, climbing trees, baking brownies with his grandma, and driving a dirt bike with his cousin.  (He went 63 mph! - his mom says "oh dear!") 

When Lucas grows up he wants to be a famous dirt bike trick rider.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Rachel Ann's Actress Bio.

Heidi Stoll interviewed Rachel Ann, who is ten years old.
"My favorite part of making the movie Mo Chara was when we pretended to be scared when Anna came in.  I also loved holding the baby chicks and making dolls out of weeds during the Hut scene.  My favorite (subject) is Art and my favorite game to play is Bag Skits."

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Caleb's Actor Bio

Caleb Hubble is 20; in Mo Chara he appeared as Quinn O'Caoimh.
On set, his favorite thing to do was hanging out with the cast and crew.
Caleb has participated in enrichment day drama classes for about 4 years.
In life, Caleb enjoys friends, happiness, and puppies.  He also prefers math and if he could have any car, he would choose the new Chevrolet Camaro.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Jacob!!!

Two historical events took place today, our 100th post is now up and Jacob Mathew turned 16.  Although in Mo Chara his character is only on screen for 5 seconds, we thoroughly enjoyed his company.  In honor of these momentous events, we present to you his interview:

We even made him a poster! :p


We hope you had a Happy Birthday!

~ Epic Summer Movie

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Grace Elizabeth's Actress Bio

Grace holding a banner during the wedding.
Grace Elizabeth, who is 12 years old, was one of Aunt Ailionora's daughters.  We asked her several questions about her life and experience with Mo Chara.

Her favorite part of making Mo Chara was acting as a model to test make up and hair styles.  She also enjoyed yelling "Mother!" and catching her mom as she fainted.  In school, Grace takes pleasure in pottery and Speech Class with Mrs. Hubble.  Grace loves daffodils and pansies; they are her favorite flowers.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Natalie Jeanne's Actress Bio

Natalie Jeanne, who is 15, played Duana, the eldest of Aibhlinn's younger sisters.

 "She was really fun to play after I got through having a hard time being so mean. Duana and her sister Easnadh remind me of Cinderella's evil step sisters," says Natalie when asked about her character.

Her favorite subject in school is English and Natalie's many interesting include reading, writing!, animals, fantasy and acting.

In previous years Natalie performed in three Homeschool Performing Arts musicals, played various roles in her church's Christmas pageants, participated in several homemade movies and the previous Epic Summer Movie's Ransomed.

During the interview she said her favorite part of making Mo Chara was, "The social aspect, I confess.  I think in general everyone got along, there were a few moments when things were a little tense because of all the stress, but overall it was good."

Natalie's two favorite things are pickle chips and pretzels.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Mary Elizabeth's Actress Bio

Photo by Lydia F.
Mary Elizabeth - who played an English slave in Mo Chara - is 17 and a half.
Mary’s thoughts on her character were: “It's good for her to stand up for her sister.” 
During the production of Mo Chara, she enjoyed getting to know people better.
Mary has participated in home-made movies, and in church plays, one of her most memorial roles being Christine the Christmas Cowgirl. :)
Mary is interested in singing, painting, and volleyball.  In school, her choice subject is math.
Mary loves Jesus Christ most of all.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hannah's actress bio.

Hannah is 12 years old, in Mo Chara she appeared as Easnadh, one of Aibhlinn’s sisters. 

What Hannah thinks about her character:  “She's a brat... I think that she thinks she is the center of the world, and wants all the attention.”  Her favorite part of making Mo Chara was the brawl scene. 
Hannah is passionate about acting, singing, and dancing.  She has also acted with Homeschool Preforming Arts for two years.  In school, her preferred subjects are math and speech. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cody's Actor Bio.

Cody, who is 17, appeared in Mo Chara as Torin O'Mathghamhna, Aibhlinn's friend.

My character: 
       Torin is happy-go-lucky kind of guy who can be sarcastic and sometimes a hot head, but at his core he's a good guy. 
       I love acting...both theater and movies.  I also like doing character voice overs of movies/plays/commercials etc...I'm also a writer and singer and enjoy working with my hands...pretty much just being all around creative.
A favored part while making Mo Chara: 
       I loved all of it, but if I had to narrow it down I'd say...doing what I love (acting) with other people who are just as passionate as I am, was a blast!  It was great to be part of such a creative collaborative process.
Choice subject: 

       Writing is my favorite!  I also love my handyman class, guitar lessons and vocal ensemble.
Favorite thing: 

       My family!  God bless them!  I would never be who I am today without them!  I am thankful!
My Other Acting Experiences:
        I've made (written, directed, acted) several of my own short amateur movies and acted in several other homemade productions as well.  It's my fourth year running with HPA, a top-notch homeschool theater group.  I've been in summer acting and film camps with HPA and Compass Film Academy and have had a little experience in modeling (runway and photo shoots).

Friday, February 8, 2013

Facebook page!

I was thinking, here we are, linking our blog posts to facebook, but what if there are people following the blog that don't even know about our FB page!  Here is the link to the facebook page, it has amazing pictures from the movie set, and if you haven't liked it yet, please do so!  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Heidi's Actress Bio.

 We asked Heidi Stoll, who played Aunt Ailionora, 
a few questions about her life.  

How do you interpret your character?    
       She was self centered and pretentious.  She was rude and abusive.  Yep, a real genuine bad lady!  ("Mom, You're The Bad Lady!" according to my 3 year old daughter, Charity)
When on the set of Mo Chara, what did you enjoy most?

       I loved fainting and being caught by my real life daughter Grace.  Mo Chara was my first movie acting experience.  I found so many fascinating things about the whole process.  I also enjoyed seeing 7 of my real life children perform and use their God given talents.

What are your other acting experiences? 

       I have been in School and Church plays.  I was Rose in Sweeny Todd and Mammy in Lil Abner.  I love performing comedy skits that make fun of everyday life.  I work part time at MSU's Learning and Assessment Center as a simulated patient to help teach future Doctors, Nurses, and Veterinarians.
What about your scholastic life? 

       I am so glad to be done with School!  I graduated from MSU in 1993.  We've homeschooled our children since 1999.  I love seeing them learn and grow!  I believe we should always continue to learn, especially from life experiences!
Besides acting, what are you interested in?

      I am married to my husband, Matt, going on 19 years and we have 8 beautiful children (ages 3-17 yrs).  I have devoted my life to serving God and taking care of my family, which takes a lot of time these days.  I loved being in Mo Chara!  I had a great time and hope to do more acting in the future.
What else are you passionate about? 

      My relationship with Jesus, whom I try to walk with everyday.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sydney's Actress Bio

       Epic Summer Movie interviewed Sydney, age 16, who played Cadence and asked her about her experience in Mo Chara; her life and interests.

“I love my character, she is a loving and strong woman that is willing to do anything for her family.
I enjoyed being able to hang out with some awesome people over the summer (on the set of Mo Chara), also my costume was amazing! 
    I am interested in drawing, painting, acting and writing. Last year I was in Homeschool Performing Arts’ production of the Wizard of Oz.  This year I am in their production of Honk!.  I have also taken acting lessons on the side at The Studio in Lansing.
     My favorite subject is history.  I love to learn about ancient civilizations.  My favorite thing is being with my family and friends.  I am so blessed with awesome people in my life, that no matter where we are, we always manage to have a great time.” 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Amber's Actress Bio

       Amber is 16 years old.  This is not her first time appearing on camera (she played Adora in Epic Summer Movie’s “Ransomed” as well as acted in several homemade movies). She has also been in Homeschool Performing Arts’ “The Wizard of Oz”.  
This year in Mo Chara, Amber beautifully portrayed Lile, Aibhlinn’s cousin.  Amber thought that Lile was a good friend that truly cared about her cousin.  
While on set, Amber enjoyed hanging out with friends and was often seen napping at various locations due to film exhaustion.
In school Amber’s favorite subject is Art.  She also loves reading and listening to music.

The thing that Amber adores most is boots (she owns a ton;).

Monday, January 14, 2013

Anna Therese Lynn's Actress Bio

Epic Summer Movie interviewed Anna Lynn,
age 16, who played Aibhlinn in Mo Chara. 

In school, what subjects do you enjoy most? 
     Fine arts, as well as learning how to run a small business.   
What are you interested in?
     I enjoy crafting and hanging out with my friends. 
What other acting experiences have you had?
     I have attended several acting summer camps, as well as been in several homemade movies, a music video, an advertisement, four theater productions, and, of course, I have acted in ESM's first production Ransomed, as Josephine the maid.
How would you describe your character? 
     I think Aibhlinn is trying to find out where she fits in the world.  She is stubborn and a little melancholy, but I really can’t blame her. 
When acting in Mo Chara, what did you enjoy most? 
     Getting to know a ton of amazing, talented people.
What is your favorite thing? 
     Spring, right after the winter thaw, when the grass is starting to turn green and the sun shines all the time.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mandie Aikin's Actress Bio

Mandie Aikin is 15 and played Eda of England in Mo Chara.  She shared with ESM... “I enjoyed playing this character immensely.”   Mandie is interested in on-screen acting as well as voice acting.  She has been involved with Homeschool Performing Arts for 4 years.  Mandie expressed, “I loved the experience of acting in my first and hopefully not my last movie.”  She also enjoyed hanging out with her friends and making new ones.  In school, Mandie’s preferred subject is American History; mainly the Revolutionary War.
favorite activity is acting.  “I plan on making on-screen acting my career as well as voice acting as a side hobby.”